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CIM Corporate Governance

We are committed to operating with transparency and incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices into our business strategies.
CIM has created a structure to help ensure that organizational ESG objectives are implemented effectively.

ESG Committee & ESG Team

CIM’s Board of Directors is responsible for our ESG program and has delegated its oversight to our ESG committee.

Key priorities for the ESG Team

  • Integrating ESG best practices throughout the organization
  • Tracking key performance metrics
  • Facilitating ESG reporting in alignment with various frameworks and in response to investor requests
  • Collaborating with internal departments to identify climate-related business risks and opportunities
Melissa Gutierrez-Sullivan | Head of ESG
“CIM is dedicated to continuously advancing environmental sustainability and ESG integration. Incorporating ESG principles into everyday operations is a core component of our approach.”

Melissa Gutierrez-Sullivan

Head of ESG

Employee, Tenant and Investor Engagement

Our ESG leaders partner with teams throughout the organization to advance environmental and social priorities. A few of these efforts are detailed below.

Employee Engagement:

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  • Service initiatives: Programs involve donating time and resources to shelters and food banks, organizing toy and clothing drives, and participating in charitable fundraising activities.
  • Advancing women: We aim to attract top female talent to CIM and foster a supportive environment by thoughtfully engaging women through programs such as CIM Women’s Alliance.

  • Celebrating diversity: We’re dedicated to fostering a culture of belonging and strive to nurture an inclusive environment through our Diversity & Inclusion Council and associated programming.

  • Supporting the environment: Environmental initiatives include an annual “7 Days of Sustainability Challenge” around Earth Day, which encourages team members to adopt more sustainable practices.

Tenant Engagement:

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  • Community initiatives: Our Property Management Team facilitates community service events and donation drives to support local non-profit organizations.

  • Supporting the environment: Annual Earth Day activities include community clean-up events, donation drives, and waste reduction challenges to help reduce environmental impacts of the buildings we manage.

Investor Engagement:

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  • We regularly seek opportunities to engage our stakeholders on ESG initiatives through surveys, forums and consultations. Where feasible, feedback is incorporated into our ESG program to ensure proper management and monitoring of key priorities.

Confidential Reporting Mechanism

To help promote accountability and support a positive work environment, CIM offers a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool for employees and other stakeholders to address potential misconduct.

Labor Standards & Local Laws

CIM is committed to promoting a safe and healthy workplace by continuously evaluating our workplace culture, physical environment, and occupational health and safety practices and disclosing any instance of non-compliance. For the latest reporting period (2023), CIM reported no instances of non-compliance.

We abide by federal and local laws and avoid discrimination in our hiring practices. CIM employs members of local unions and workers' associations and complies with all local union requirements.

In alignment with California law, CIM has also established an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP).

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CIM 409567