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An Integrated Approach to Creating Value

Since 1994, CIM has led more than $60 billion1 of real estate and infrastructure projects across the Americas and Europe.
With 1000+ team members and expertise honed over 30 years of market cycles, CIM leverages multiple opportunities to create value.

Real Estate

9 Sectors


6 Sectors


5+ Loan Types

Vertically Integrated

15+ In-house Functions

Vertical Integration

Armed with expertise to manage every stage of the investment lifecycle, our in-house team takes complete ownership of each investment, seeking to maximize asset value and deliver returns for investors.


Establishing the Foundation

+ Investments + Development
+ Global Client Group
+ Corporate Leadership
Internal teams collaborate on every potential deal, assessing investments from multiple angles, identifying value creation options, and analyzing community needs and characteristics before purchasing an asset.
Capabilities-Sourcing and Origination-Phoenix Arizona-CIM-Investments Team Meeting
Capabilities-Value Creationn-Los-Angeles-California-CIM-Development Team On-Site Construction
Value Creation

Managing for Growth

+ Investments + Development
+ Property Management + Leasing
Whether the asset requires development, property management, leasing, or other support, in-house experts participate where needed to execute the business plan and drive value creation momentum to position the asset for resale.

Realizing Ultimate Value

+ Investments
Based on a deep knowledge of the asset and market factors, CIM’s Investments teams execute the sale of the asset with an emphasis on capturing maximum value for investors.

Our Integrated Team in Action1

Real Estate

Junction 20/35, Fort Worth, TX

CIM acquired this industrial property at 56% occupancy and leveraged in-house teams to improve and lease vacant space and activate an unused rail spur.

Read Case Study

Aquamarine Solar Project, San Joaquin Valley, CA

In 2014, CIM and a JV partner acquired rights to over 20,000 acres in California’s Central Valley with the potential to power 1.2 million homes.

Read Case Study

Innovation Plaza
in Houston, TX

CIM originated a ground-up construction loan in Q2 2021 for the first student housing tower directly adjacent to the Texas Medical Center.

Explore More of Our Capabilities

We seek to create value for our clients and communities through robust real asset equity and credit platforms.


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Discover our latest market updates, videos and articles on the real estate, infrastructure and credit sectors.

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Image Details
Centennial Yards: Atlanta, GA
Artistic Rendering
  1. Data as of 9/30/24.
  2. Example case studies are shown to illustrate capabilities within the strategy. There is no guarantee that any strategy objectives will be met or that past results will be replicated.

CIM 3980802